Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nage Waza - Sumi Gaeshi

Sumi Gaeshi

Sumi Gaeshi, also known as the corner throw, is the first technique in the Dai Yonkyo from the Gokyo no Waza.  To execute Sumi Gaeshi:
  1. Break uke's balance to his/her right front corner.
  2. Fall back, placing your right foot instep in the crook of uke's left knee or on his/her left thigh.
  3. Raise your leg while falling (not after you touch the mat) and throw uke over your head.
Here's a montage of sumi gaeshi from competition to give you some idea of how it's used:


Starting from an arm drag or from a belt grab

A demonstration of sumi gaeshi starting from an arm drag, then from a belt grab from Spartak Judo:

As a turnover

A demonstration of a sumi gaeshi turnover from Windsong Dojo:


A demonstration of counters to sumi gaeshi from Spartak Judo:

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